Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Fruit Studio Photography

Studio Photography

Using a piece of fruit, employ the following lighting techniques; 45*/45*, High Key, Low Key, Backlight and Top Light.

45 Degree - The key lighting is placed 45degees from the subject and slightly higher.

High Key - Is lighting between white and grey tones, with very few dark grey and black tones.

Low Key - Is were the subject is surrounded by shadows and in which there is very little highlights

Backlight - The light source is placed behind the subject to create a highlight to seperate it from the background.

Top Light - Light shining directly above the subject casting shadows.

Top Light

The top light cast a dark shadow behind the fruit and shows all the colour at the front and top of the Pineapple.

(Settings - 1/300, F 6.7, ISO 100, Auto White Balance)

Low Key

This lighting is dark emphsising the dark outline around the fruit which makes the colours dark on the pineapple.

(Settings - 1/600, F6.7, ISO 100, Auto White Balance)

High Key

The high key lighting real brings out the colour on the kiwi and also shows the textures clearly. The high key lighting is coming from the right of the fruit casting a slight shadow on the left.

(Settings - 1/180, F5.6, ISO 200, White Balance - Daylight)

45/45 Degree

This 45 dregree lighting at either side of the pine apple cast and equal lighting over the fruit shows the bright colours and textures.

(Settings - 1/200, F6.7, ISO 100, Auto White Balance)

Back Light

This back light technique makes the fruit dark and like a silouhette. It also gives it a long shadow in fruit of the fruit and it makes the edges of the fruit very define.

(Settings - F/4.5, 1/400, ISO 400, White Balance Auto)

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